Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal


1.) To start this recipe you just need a handful of hearty ingredients you might already have in your pantry.


2.) Start by whisking your egg, almond milk, maple syrup, almond butter, cinnamon, and vanilla in a large bowl.


3.) Next, add your shredded carrot, oats, baking powder, and salt. Mix well until everything is combined.


4.) Grease a 5×9 pan, then pour in your oat mixture and spread it evenly around. Place it in the oven for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.


5.) Top your baked oatmeal with a little maple syrup, cinnamon, and enjoy!

Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal (Prep Time: 8 minutes, Total Time: 33 minutes, Serves: 3)

As much as I feel like I should love oatmeal, I really don’t. I’ll eat it occasionally as long as it’s super thick and drowned in peanut butter and bananas. In an effort to try and make oatmeal a bit more appealing to me, I decided to test out baked oatmeal. Anything that tastes similar to a cookie or cake definitely gets me more on board. I figured I should try to make it semi-healthy (hence the carrots) and make it thick enough for me to forget that it’s oatmeal. The product turned out reminding me of carrot cake, and with a little splash of maple syrup on a warm slice of the bake, it tastes more like dessert than breakfast. This baked oatmeal is delicious on it’s own, but it would pair great with a bit of yogurt, almond butter drizzle, or heck… whipped cream!


1 egg

1/2 cup almond or pecan milk

3 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp almond butter

3/4 cup shredded carrots

1 cup oats

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 pinch salt


1: Set your oven to 350 degrees, then add your first six ingredients to a bowl and whisk well.

2: Next, whisk in your last four ingredients until you have a well combined mixture.

3: Grease a 5×9 baking pan or dish, then pour in your oatmeal and spread it evenly. Cook in the oven for 25 minutes. Top with your favorite breakfast toppings, and enjoy!


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